Thomas Nelson
Thomas Nelson
August 22, 2023 ·  10 min read

Labradorite Crystals: Symbolism, Properties, Benefits, & More

Labradorite crystals, with their mesmerizing iridescent flashes of color, have captivated crystal enthusiasts and healers alike for centuries. Known as the stone of transformation, Labradorite is a powerful crystal that aids in spiritual growth, intuition, and self-discovery. Its unique play of colors, ranging from vibrant blues and greens to fiery oranges and golds, is believed to be a reflection of the Northern Lights trapped within the stone.

Labradorite is revered for its ability to awaken one’s inner magic, unlocking hidden potential and guiding individuals on a path of self-realization. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Labradorite crystals, exploring their origins, metaphysical properties, and how to harness their healing energies to enhance our lives. Whether you are a crystal enthusiast or simply curious about the wonders of Labradorite, prepare to be enchanted by the mystical allure of this extraordinary crystal.

What are Labradorite crystals?

Labradorite is a stunningly beautiful crystal known for its iridescent play of colors. It is a member of the feldspar mineral family and is primarily found in Canada, specifically in Labrador, which is where it gets its name. Labradorite is also found in other parts of the world like Madagascar, Russia, and Finland. What makes Labradorite truly unique is its captivating display of colors, known as labradorescence.

When light hits the crystal’s surface, it reflects and refracts, creating a mesmerizing range of colors that can include blues, greens, yellows, and even flashes of purple and orange. This play of colors is believed to represent the aurora borealis, adding to the crystal’s enchanting appeal. In terms of its metaphysical properties, Labradorite is highly regarded as a stone of transformation and protection.

It is said to assist in enhancing one’s intuition and psychic abilities, making it a popular choice among those seeking spiritual growth and development. Labradorite is also believed to help balance and protect the aura, shielding the wearer from negative energies and promoting a sense of harmony and balance.

Furthermore, Labradorite is thought to stimulate the imagination and creativity, making it a great crystal for artists, writers, and anyone looking to tap into their creative potential. It is also said to promote self-confidence and perseverance, helping individuals overcome challenges and reach their goals.

Labradorite can be used in various ways, such as wearing it as jewelry, placing it in your living space, or using it during meditation or energy healing practices. It is a versatile crystal that can be beneficial for anyone seeking to enhance their spiritual journey, tap into their inner strength, and bring more magic and inspiration into their lives.

How are Labradorite crystals formed?

Labradorite is a fascinating healing crystal that belongs to the feldspar mineral group. It is known for its beautiful iridescent play of colors, which is often referred to as labradorescence. The geological process that forms labradorite begins deep within the Earth’s crust.

Labradorite is primarily found in igneous rocks, specifically in a type called basalt. Basalt is formed from the solidification of molten lava, which is erupted from volcanoes. When magma rises to the Earth’s surface and cools rapidly, it solidifies into basalt, trapping various minerals within it, including labradorite.

During the cooling process, labradorite crystals begin to form within the basaltic magma. These crystals grow slowly over time as the magma cools and solidifies. The unique colors and patterns seen in labradorite are a result of light interference caused by the internal structure of the crystal.

Labradorite’s labradorescence is caused by the presence of tiny lamellae or layers within the crystal. These lamellae are composed of different feldspar minerals, such as albite and anorthite, which have slightly different refractive indices. When light enters the labradorite crystal, it encounters these lamellae and is refracted, diffracted, and reflected multiple times, resulting in the characteristic play of colors.

The specific colors seen in labradorite can vary, but they often include shades of blue, green, yellow, and orange. The intensity and range of colors depend on the size and orientation of the lamellae within the crystal.

After the basaltic magma has completely solidified, it may undergo weathering and erosion processes, which expose the labradorite crystals to the surface. This is how labradorite is eventually found and collected by humans.

In summary, labradorite forms through the slow cooling and solidification of basaltic magma deep within the Earth’s crust. The presence of lamellae within the crystal structure gives rise to the mesmerizing labradorescence that labradorite is renowned for.

Different types of Labradorite crystals

Labradorite is a beautiful and powerful crystal known for its iridescent play of colors. It is highly regarded for its protective and mystical properties. In this guide, I will introduce you to different types of Labradorite and their unique characteristics.


Spectrolite is considered the most valuable and rarest type of Labradorite. It displays a wide range of vibrant colors, including blues, greens, purples, and golds. Spectrolite is known for its intense energy and is often used for spiritual awakening and deep meditation.

Rainbow Labradorite

Rainbow Labradorite is characterized by its stunning display of iridescent colors, creating a rainbow-like effect. It is believed to enhance one’s intuition and psychic abilities, making it a popular choice for those seeking spiritual growth and connection.

Blue Labradorite

Blue Labradorite is known for its calming and soothing energy. It resonates with the throat chakra, promoting clear communication and self-expression. This type of Labradorite is often used to alleviate anxiety, stress, and emotional imbalances.

Golden Labradorite

Golden Labradorite, also known as Yellow Labradorite or Golden Sunstone, is recognized for its warm golden hues. It is associated with the solar plexus chakra, enhancing personal power, confidence, and creativity. Golden Labradorite is believed to bring abundance and prosperity into one’s life.

White Labradorite

White Labradorite, also called Rainbow Moonstone, is a variety of Labradorite that displays a white or milky appearance with subtle flashes of color. It is associated with the crown chakra, promoting spiritual growth, intuition, and connection to higher realms. White Labradorite is often used for emotional healing and balancing.

Black Labradorite

Black Labradorite, also known as Black Moonstone, is a protective stone that absorbs negative energies and shields against psychic attacks. It is associated with the root chakra, grounding and stabilizing one’s energy. Black Labradorite is believed to enhance one’s strength, resilience, and inner power.

When working with Labradorite, it is important to cleanse and charge the crystal regularly to maintain its energetic properties. You can cleanse Labradorite by running it under cool water, smudging it with sage or palo santo, or placing it on a bed of sea salt overnight. To charge it, you can leave it under the moonlight or sunlight for a few hours.

Labradorite can be used in various ways, such as wearing it as jewelry, placing it in your living space, or using it during meditation and energy healing practices. Trust your intuition when choosing a Labradorite crystal, as each type may resonate differently with your energy and intentions. Enjoy exploring the magical world of Labradorite!

What is the meaning and symbolism behind Labradorite crystals?

Labradorite is a captivating and mystical crystal that is highly regarded for its spiritual properties. It is often referred to as the “Stone of Magic” or the “Stone of Transformation” due to its ability to enhance spiritual growth and awaken one’s inner magic. Here are some of the spiritual meanings associated with Labradorite:

  1. Protection: Labradorite is believed to create a protective shield around the aura, preventing negative energies from entering one’s energy field. It acts as a barrier against psychic attacks and helps to keep the energy body balanced and protected.
  2. Intuition and Clairvoyance: Labradorite is known to stimulate and enhance one’s intuition and psychic abilities. It helps to open the third eye chakra, which is the center of intuition and inner vision. By connecting with Labradorite, individuals may experience heightened intuition, clairvoyance, and a deeper understanding of the spiritual realm.
  3. Transformation and Change: Labradorite is a stone of transformation, assisting individuals in navigating through life’s changes and transitions. It encourages personal growth, self-discovery, and spiritual awakening. Labradorite helps one let go of old patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that no longer serve their highest good, allowing for positive transformation and personal evolution.
  4. Spiritual Connection: Labradorite is known to enhance one’s connection with the spiritual realm and higher consciousness. It helps to deepen meditation practices, facilitating a stronger connection with spirit guides, angels, and higher beings. Labradorite can also aid in accessing past life memories and understanding karmic patterns.
  5. Balance and Harmony: Labradorite is believed to bring balance and harmony to the mind, body, and spirit. It helps to align the chakras, promoting overall energetic balance. By harmonizing the energy centers, Labradorite can enhance one’s overall well-being and promote a sense of inner peace and tranquility.
  6. Self-Expression and Confidence: Labradorite is associated with the throat chakra, which governs communication and self-expression. It helps individuals speak their truth with confidence and clarity. Labradorite also assists in enhancing self-confidence, self-worth, and self-belief, empowering individuals to express their authentic selves.

It’s important to note that while Labradorite has powerful spiritual meanings, its effects may vary from person to person. It is always recommended to trust your intuition when working with crystals and choose the ones that resonate with you personally.

Benefits of Labradorite

Labradorite is a mesmerizing crystal known for its stunning iridescent colors and mystical properties. It is considered a highly spiritual stone that holds a multitude of benefits for the mind, body, and soul.

One of the most prominent spiritual benefits of Labradorite is its ability to enhance intuition and psychic abilities. This crystal acts as a powerful tool for those seeking to connect with their higher self and tap into their innate spiritual gifts. Labradorite is believed to open the third eye chakra, which is the center of intuition and spiritual insight. By activating this energy center, Labradorite helps to sharpen one’s psychic abilities, enhance clairvoyance, and promote spiritual awareness.

Labradorite is also known for its protective qualities, making it an excellent crystal for spiritual practitioners. It creates a shield of energy around the aura, preventing negative energies and psychic attacks from entering one’s energy field. This protective barrier not only safeguards against external influences but also helps in maintaining a strong and balanced energy flow within the body.

Another spiritual benefit of Labradorite is its ability to facilitate spiritual transformation and growth. This crystal has a unique energy that stimulates the imagination and encourages new ideas and perspectives. It assists in breaking through old patterns and beliefs, allowing for personal growth and spiritual evolution. Labradorite helps one embrace change and navigate through life’s challenges with grace and resilience.

Labradorite is also known to enhance spiritual communication and connection with higher realms. It is believed to strengthen the bond between the physical and spiritual realms, making it easier to receive guidance and messages from higher beings, spirit guides, and angels. This crystal can be used during meditation or spiritual practices to deepen the connection with the divine and access higher levels of consciousness.

Additionally, Labradorite is known to balance and align all the chakras, creating a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body. This helps in maintaining overall spiritual well-being and promotes a sense of inner peace and tranquility.

In conclusion, Labradorite is a powerful and versatile crystal that offers numerous spiritual benefits. From enhancing intuition and psychic abilities to providing protection and promoting spiritual growth, Labradorite is truly a remarkable stone for those seeking to deepen their spiritual journey and connect with higher realms.

Which zodiac signs should keep Labradorite

Labradorite is a beautiful and powerful crystal that is known for its mystical and protective properties. It is believed to enhance intuition, promote spiritual growth, and provide a sense of balance and clarity. When it comes to zodiac signs, Labradorite can be particularly beneficial for a few of them:

  1. Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Labradorite resonates well with the dreamy and intuitive nature of Pisces. It can help Pisceans tap into their natural psychic abilities, enhance their spiritual connection, and provide protection from negative energies. Labradorite can also assist in grounding their sensitive emotions and promoting emotional healing.
  2. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Labradorite can be highly beneficial for Sagittarians due to its ability to stimulate curiosity and expand the mind. It can assist Sagittarians in exploring new ideas, expanding their knowledge, and gaining a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. Labradorite can also enhance their optimism and provide a sense of adventure and exploration.
  3. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Labradorite resonates well with the intense and transformative energy of Scorpio. It can assist Scorpios in embracing their inner power, promoting self-discovery, and enhancing their intuition. Labradorite can also provide protection during times of emotional vulnerability and help Scorpios navigate through their deep emotions with clarity and strength.
  4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Labradorite can be highly beneficial for Cancerians due to its nurturing and protective properties. It can assist Cancerians in finding emotional balance, promoting self-care, and enhancing their intuition. Labradorite can also provide a sense of stability and protection during times of emotional upheaval and help Cancerians connect with their inner strength.

While these zodiac signs may benefit the most from Labradorite, it is important to remember that crystals work differently for everyone. It’s always best to trust your intuition and choose crystals that resonate with you personally.