Thomas Nelson
Thomas Nelson
August 23, 2023 ·  5 min read

When And How To Cleanse Selenite

Welcome to the fascinating world of healing crystals! In this article, we will delve into the mystical properties of one of the most powerful and versatile crystals – Selenite. Known for its ethereal beauty and potent energy, Selenite has been revered for centuries for its ability to cleanse and purify not only itself but also other crystals, spaces, and even our own energetic fields. Whether you are a crystal enthusiast, a spiritual seeker, or simply curious about the wonders of the natural world, join us as we explore the various methods and why you should cleanse Selenite and harness its incredible healing potential.

Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, balance, and transformation as we unlock the secrets of this magnificent crystal.

Why cleanse Selenite?

Selenite is a unique crystal that has the ability to cleanse and charge other crystals. However, it is also important to cleanse selenite itself regularly. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Energy Absorption: Selenite has a high vibration and can absorb negative energies and emotions from its surroundings. When used for healing or energy work, it takes on these energies and can become energetically overloaded. Cleansing helps to release these absorbed energies and restore its natural state.
  2. Recharging: Selenite has the ability to amplify and enhance the energy of other crystals. While doing so, it can lose its own energy and become less effective. Cleansing helps to recharge selenite, allowing it to continue its powerful energy amplification.
  3. Clarity and Purity: Selenite is known for its ability to cleanse and purify energy fields. Regular cleansing ensures that the crystal remains clear and pure, enabling it to effectively cleanse other crystals and spaces.
  4. Personal Connection: Cleansing selenite also helps to establish a personal connection with the crystal. By taking the time to cleanse and care for it, you are showing respect and gratitude for its healing properties. This deepens your bond with the crystal and enhances its effectiveness.

There are various methods to cleanse selenite, such as using sound vibrations, moonlight, sunlight, or other crystals like clear quartz. It is important to choose a method that resonates with you and feels right for your selenite crystal.

Signs it’s time to cleanse your Selenite

There are a few signs that indicate it’s time to cleanse your Selenite crystal:

  1. Energetic heaviness: If you notice that your Selenite feels heavier or denser than usual, it may be an indication that it has absorbed a lot of negative or stagnant energy and needs cleansing.
  2. Lack of vibrancy: Selenite is known for its vibrant and luminous appearance. If you notice that your crystal has become dull or lacks its usual radiance, it could be a sign that it needs cleansing to restore its energy.
  3. Reduced effectiveness: Selenite is a powerful crystal for cleansing and purifying other stones and spaces. If you find that it’s not working as effectively as before, it may be because it has absorbed too much energy and needs to be cleansed to regain its potency.
  4. Intuition or inner guidance: Trust your intuition or inner guidance. If you have a feeling or sense that your Selenite needs cleansing, even if there are no obvious signs, it’s always a good idea to follow your instincts.

Remember, cleansing Selenite is essential to maintain its optimal energetic properties and ensure it continues to work effectively.

How often should you cleanse Selenite?

Selenite is a unique crystal that has the ability to cleanse and recharge itself, as well as other crystals and spaces. However, it is still beneficial to cleanse your Selenite regularly to maintain its optimal energy flow.

The frequency of cleansing Selenite depends on how often you use it and the energy it absorbs. If you use your Selenite for healing work, meditation, or energy clearing frequently, it is recommended to cleanse it once a week or after each use.

Remember, trust your intuition when it comes to cleansing your crystals. If you feel that your Selenite needs cleansing more frequently, go ahead and do it. The most important thing is to maintain a clear and vibrant energy in your crystals for optimal healing benefits.

How to cleanse Selenite

The best method to cleanse Selenite is by using the energy of other crystals or through visualization. Selenite is a self-cleansing crystal and does not require frequent cleansing like other stones. However, if you feel it needs a refresh, here are a few methods you can try:

  1. Using other crystals: Place your Selenite on a larger crystal cluster, such as Clear Quartz or Amethyst, for a few hours or overnight. These crystals have strong cleansing properties and can help remove any stagnant or negative energy from the Selenite.
  2. Visualization: Hold your Selenite in your hands and visualize a bright, white light surrounding it. Imagine this light purifying and cleansing the crystal, removing any unwanted energies. You can also visualize a waterfall or a stream of pure water flowing over the Selenite, washing away any impurities.
  3. Moonlight or sunlight: Selenite can be placed under the light of the full moon or in direct sunlight for a few hours to recharge and cleanse. Moonlight is especially beneficial for Selenite, as it amplifies its natural properties.

Remember, Selenite is a delicate crystal that can be easily scratched or damaged by water, so avoid using water-based methods like soaking or rinsing. Stick to the methods mentioned above, and your Selenite will remain cleansed and energetically refreshed.

Caring for your Selenite after cleansing

After cleansing your Selenite, it is important to care for it properly to maintain its energy and effectiveness. Here are a few tips on how to care for your Selenite:

  1. Handling: Selenite is a soft crystal and can easily get scratched or damaged. Handle it with care and avoid dropping it or exposing it to rough surfaces.
  2. Charging: Selenite is unique as it is self-cleansing and does not require regular cleansing like other crystals. However, you can enhance its energy by charging it under the moonlight or sunlight. Place it on a windowsill or outside for a few hours to absorb the natural energy.
  3. Storage: Store your Selenite in a safe place where it won’t get scratched or damaged. You can wrap it in a soft cloth or keep it in a pouch to protect it from dust and other energies.
  4. Cleansing: Although Selenite is self-cleansing, it can absorb negative energies over time. If you feel the need to cleanse it, you can use methods like sound cleansing with a singing bowl or bell, smudging with sage or palo santo, or placing it on a bed of cleansing crystals like clear quartz or selenite itself.
  5. Programming: Selenite is a powerful crystal for cleansing and charging other crystals. You can use it to cleanse and recharge your other crystals by placing them on top of a selenite plate or wand. Remember to cleanse the Selenite after each use to remove any absorbed energies.

Remember to trust your intuition when it comes to caring for your Selenite. If you feel it needs extra cleansing or charging, go ahead and do what feels right for you.