Thomas Nelson
Thomas Nelson
August 22, 2023 ·  7 min read

The Best Stones & Crystals For Luck

Luck is a concept that has fascinated humanity for centuries, and many individuals seek ways to attract good fortune and positive outcomes into their lives. One powerful tool that has been utilized for centuries is the use of healing crystals. These remarkable gems are believed to possess unique energies and vibrations that can enhance our well-being and bring about positive changes. When it comes to luck, certain crystals have gained a reputation for their ability to attract good fortune, abundance, and serendipitous opportunities. Whether you are looking to improve your luck in love, finances, or overall life circumstances, incorporating these crystals into your daily routine can be a transformative and empowering experience. In this guide, we will explore some of the best healing crystals for luck, their properties, and how to harness their energies to manifest a more fortunate and prosperous life.

Best healing crystals for Luck

There are several healing crystals that are believed to be effective for attracting luck and good fortune. Here are a few of them:

Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine

Known as the “Stone of Opportunity,” green aventurine is believed to bring luck, prosperity, and abundance. It is said to enhance opportunities and attract good fortune in all aspects of life.



Often referred to as the “Merchant’s Stone,” citrine is associated with wealth, success, and abundance. It is believed to attract prosperity and positive energy, as well as enhance one’s confidence and motivation.



Also known as “Fool’s Gold,” pyrite is believed to bring luck, wealth, and abundance. It is said to promote financial stability, attract opportunities, and protect against negative energies.



Jade is considered a powerful stone for luck and prosperity. It is believed to bring good fortune, wealth, and success. Jade is also associated with wisdom, harmony, and balance.

Tiger’s Eye

tiger's eye

Tiger’s eye is believed to bring luck, prosperity, and protection. It is said to enhance one’s confidence, courage, and determination, which can attract opportunities and success.

Remember, while these crystals are believed to have luck-enhancing properties, it’s important to approach them with an open mind and use them as a tool to focus your intentions and energy towards attracting positive outcomes in your life.

Crystals to avoid for Luck

When it comes to luck, there are no specific crystals that should be avoided. However, it’s important to note that crystals work differently for each individual, and what may bring luck to one person may not have the same effect on another. It’s always recommended to choose crystals based on your intuition and personal connection with them.

That being said, if you’re looking to avoid crystals that are often associated with bad luck or negative energies in certain belief systems, here are a few examples:

  1. Black Tourmaline: While it’s often used as a protective stone, some people believe that black tourmaline can absorb and carry negative energies, potentially causing an increase in negativity rather than dispelling it.
  2. Hematite: Hematite is sometimes associated with grounding and protection, but in some traditions, it’s believed to have a dense and heavy energy that could potentially bring down one’s mood.
  3. Apache Tear: This obsidian variety is said to carry a strong energy related to grief and sadness. While it’s also used for emotional healing, some believe that it might amplify feelings of sorrow.
  4. Smoky Quartz: Despite being used for grounding and protection, some sources suggest that smoky quartz could potentially trap negative energies, leading to an accumulation of negativity.
  5. Broken or Cracked Crystals: In some beliefs, cracked or broken crystals are thought to have a weakened or disrupted energy, and they are often discarded or avoided.

Remember, the power of crystals lies in your intention and belief. Choose the crystals that resonate with you and work with them regularly to enhance your luck and manifest positive outcomes in your life.

How to use healing crystals for Luck

Using healing crystals for luck can be a wonderful way to enhance positive energy and attract good fortune into your life. Here are some ways you can incorporate healing crystals into your daily routine for luck:

  1. Choose the right crystals: Some crystals are known for their luck-enhancing properties. Some popular choices include green aventurine, citrine, pyrite, jade, and clear quartz. These crystals are believed to bring abundance, prosperity, and good fortune.
  2. Carry them with you: Keep a small crystal in your pocket or purse to carry its energy with you throughout the day. This allows you to stay connected to its luck-attracting vibrations and helps you manifest positive opportunities.
  3. Create a crystal grid: Arrange your luck crystals in a geometric pattern on a sacred space or altar. You can use a crystal grid template or create your own design. Place a photo or intention in the center and activate the grid by visualizing your desired luck and success.
  4. Meditate with crystals: Find a quiet space and hold your chosen luck crystal in your hand. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and focus on your intention for attracting luck. Visualize yourself surrounded by positive energy and opportunities. Allow the crystal’s energy to flow through you, enhancing your luck and attracting abundance.
  5. Wear crystal jewelry: Adorn yourself with crystal jewelry that contains luck-enhancing stones. This allows you to carry the energy of the crystals with you throughout the day and serves as a constant reminder of your intention for luck.
  6. Place crystals in your environment: Decorate your home or workspace with luck crystals. You can place them on your desk, near your front door, or in any area where you spend a lot of time. This helps create a positive and lucky atmosphere.
  7. Cleanse and charge your crystals: Regularly cleanse your crystals to remove any negative energy they may have absorbed. You can do this by placing them under running water, smudging them with sage or palo santo, or using other cleansing methods. After cleansing, recharge them by placing them in sunlight or moonlight to amplify their luck-attracting properties.

Remember, while crystals can enhance positive energy and intention, they are not a magical solution. It’s important to combine their use with proactive actions and a positive mindset to attract luck and create the life you desire.

Which crystal is best for Luck

When it comes to crystals for luck, one crystal that stands out is the green aventurine. Known as the “Stone of Opportunity,” green aventurine is believed to bring good luck, prosperity, and abundance into one’s life. It is said to attract opportunities and enhance one’s chances of success in various endeavors.

Green aventurine is also known to promote a positive outlook, optimism, and confidence, which can be beneficial in attracting luck and seizing opportunities. It is believed to help release old patterns and blockages that may hinder progress, allowing one to move forward with a renewed sense of purpose.

To harness the luck-bringing properties of green aventurine, you can carry it with you as a pocket stone, wear it as jewelry, or place it in your home or workplace. Meditating with green aventurine can also help align your intentions with the energy of luck and abundance.

Remember, while crystals can be powerful tools, luck ultimately depends on a combination of factors, including personal effort, mindset, and the alignment of energies.

What crystal combinations are best for Luck

When it comes to attracting luck, there are several powerful crystal combinations you can use. Here are a few potent combinations:

  1. Citrine and Green Aventurine: Citrine is known as the “merchant’s stone” and is associated with abundance and prosperity. Green aventurine is a stone of luck and opportunity. Together, they create a powerful combination for attracting good fortune and success.
  2. Pyrite and Tiger’s Eye: Pyrite is often called “fool’s gold” and is believed to bring luck and wealth. Tiger’s eye is a stone of protection and courage, known to attract good luck and opportunities. Combining these two stones can enhance your luck and help you make wise decisions.
  3. Clear Quartz and Jade: Clear quartz is a versatile crystal that amplifies the energy of other stones. Jade is a stone of luck, abundance, and harmony. Together, they create a harmonious energy that attracts luck and positive vibrations.
  4. Amethyst and Amazonite: Amethyst is a powerful crystal that enhances intuition and spiritual growth. Amazonite is known as the “hope stone” and is believed to bring luck and success. This combination can help you tap into your inner wisdom and attract fortunate opportunities.

Remember, while crystals can be a helpful tool, luck ultimately depends on various factors, including your actions and mindset. These crystal combinations can serve as a reminder to stay positive, focused, and open to opportunities.